Did Trump Form a Panel To Investigate The Elections?

 In the aftermath of the 2020 US presidential election, then-President Donald Trump made numerous false claims about widespread voter fraud and election irregularities. He appointed a number of people to investigate these claims, including former Attorney General Bill Barr, former Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) director Chris Krebs, and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

However, none of these individuals found any evidence of widespread voter fraud. Barr even publicly stated that there was "no evidence of widespread voter fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election."

In December 2020, Trump formed a panel to investigate the elections, headed by Rudy Giuliani. The panel met for several weeks and held a number of public hearings. However, the panel did not produce any evidence of widespread voter fraud. In fact, the panel's own witnesses contradicted Trump's claims of fraud.

In January 2021, Trump's panel released a report that made a number of false and misleading claims about the elections. The report was widely ridiculed by experts, and many Republican state officials distanced themselves from it.

Space Force, Why Is Trump 5 Steps Ahead?

In December 2019, Trump signed the United States Space Force Act into law, establishing the United States Space Force as the sixth branch of the US military. The Space Force is responsible for organizing, training, and equipping space forces in the United States.

Some experts have argued that Trump's decision to create the Space Force was a step ahead of its time. They point to the increasing importance of space in modern warfare and the growing threat from China and Russia as evidence that the Space Force is a necessary addition to the US military.

Other experts have been more critical of the Space Force. They argue that it is a waste of money and that it will duplicate the work of other branches of the US military.

Only time will tell whether Trump's decision to create the Space Force was a step ahead of its time. However, there is no doubt that the Space Force is a significant development in the US military.


Whether or not Trump was five steps ahead of his time in creating the Space Force is a matter of opinion. However, there is no doubt that the Space Force is a significant development in the US military.

As for Trump's claims of election fraud, there is no evidence to support them. These claims have been repeatedly debunked by experts and election officials.


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